something about communication and wireless!



年纪轻轻的,我的记忆力就已经如此的差了,上周出去玩儿时,刚刚把手机交给同学,自己就开始忙着找手机,晕出一身冷汗,唉!!!(by the way, 下面的中文翻译来自,通不错的网站呵)
A good memory is one of the most powerful and valuable assets you can own. Recent studies have found that older adults who spent more time in leisure activities that required more mental effort had reduced chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. There are plenty of ways to fight forgetfulness and keep your brainpower going strong.

Just like you can’t expect to get a six-pack stomach by sitting on the couch all day, don’t expect your memory to stay at the top of its game without a proper workout. Your brain needs to pump mental iron consistently to boost up its memory muscle. Remember, it’s up to you to never forget that you are worth remembering.

Check out the top 10 ways to keep your brain waves active and your memory strong.

1. Brain food: Don’t let yourself run on empty. A balanced diet will help keep your mind running strong all day long. Make sure to include plenty of fruits and leafy green vegetables. They are loaded with essential antioxidants and nutrients to boost your brain power. Some of the best foods for thought include: blueberries, blackberries, fish and fish oils, eggs, spinach, strawberries and almonds.

2. Exercise: Get your body moving and your memory will soon follow. Exercise improves the heart’s blood flow. This, in turn, helps the brain function better and stay sharper. Studies have also found that cardiovascular exercises done over a long period of time help reduce the amount of brain tissue you lose as you age.

3. Brain Games: Unscramble your memory with Scrabble. Intellectually stimulating activities and games such as Scrabble, crossword puzzles and trivia games are great for boosting your memory. Have fun and challenge your brain with these fun memory games.

4. Pick Up a Book: The key to keeping your memory sharp is to continue to challenge it. Try to always have a book in hand. After you’re done reading a chapter or two, question and review the material you’ve read. Try to imagine what you’re reading. Discuss what you’ve read, and talk about it with friends or join a book club.

5. Take a Sip Down Memory Lane: Coffee is good for more than just getting you out of bed in the morning. Researches have found the stimulant affect of caffeine can help boost memory. Studies have also found that key enzymes found in green and black teas help improve memory functions.

6. Cultivate interest: We tend to remember the things that we enjoy. Find ways to make a boring subject fun by associating it to something you already know. If you have to remember a list, try to make a fun sentence out of the first letters of each item or try categorizing things into a group. You can also use your imagination and create a fun story behind a subject to help make it easier to remember.

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7. Catch some those Zzzz’s: Sleep plays a critical role in your physiological function and is vital for your intellectual development. Memory failure is a common occurrence for many sleep-deprived individuals. A study conducted at the University of Luebeck found that creativity and problem solving appear to be directly linked to adequate sleep.

8. Repeat After Me: When learning new information, the more you repeat it, the more likely you will be able to recall that information. Practice is the key to lasting memory. Practice is the key to lasting memory. Practice is the key to lasting memory.

9. Give It a Beat: Music not only helps trigger memories of past events, but also stimulates learning skills. Music has also been shown to help retain information and provide multiple modes of information retrieval.

10. Pick Your Own Brain and Share it with Others: Don’t keep your knowledge stored up. Teaching others is another great way to boost memory skills. You should also become your own teacher. Don’t be afraid of taking on new challenges. You might not be in school anymore but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t test yourself. After you learn something, it’s important to put the new information to use.


1. 吃有益于大脑的食品:尤其是绿色蔬菜和水果。

2. 锻炼身体:保持一个健康的、供血充足的身体,记忆力也会跟上的。

3. 玩智力游戏可以有效的刺激脑细胞:多玩玩棋类、字谜或是数字游戏都不错。

4. 多读书:经常拿起书本,阅读上一两章,然后试着回忆你阅读的内容,这也许是最有效的记忆训练方式。

5. 试着喝一些咖啡:不只能够提神,研究也表明咖啡因含有能够提高记忆力的成分,同样绿茶和红茶也有助于记忆力增长。

6. 培养自己的兴趣爱好:我们总是能记住我们所喜欢的东西。

7. 保持充足的睡眠: 睡眠在大脑的保养中扮演着极其重要的角色,记忆力衰退的最大原因就是缺乏足够的睡眠。

8. 多多重复:当学到新的信息时,多多的重复它。

9. 听听音乐:音乐不只能帮助唤起过去的回忆,还能刺激你的大脑活动。

10. 与别人分享你的知识:在分享的过程中你的记忆会得到进一步的巩固,何况分享带给你的乐趣可不只这些哟。

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