something about communication and wireless!


This Is Your Life (and How You Tell It)


故事毕竟就是故事,不同的人听到的版本也会大有不同。一个在机场吧台的异乡客听到一个版本,而假释官听到的却是另外一个,而P.T.A. 的董事得到的可能就已经大相径庭了。讲故事的语气,得到的教训,甚至是甚至这些故事本身都会随着人的感情的变化而发生变化,使得大众评价变成小众的观点,深的变成了浅的。

然而经过过去几十年的研究,一些心理学家认为每个人叙事的差异归应于每个人不同的三维性格图式。For more than a century, researchers have been trying to work out the raw ingredients that account for personality, the sweetness and neuroses that make Anna Anna, the sluggishness and sensitivity that make Andrew Andrew. They have largely ignored the first-person explanation — the life story that people themselves tell about who they are, and why.

Stories are stories, after all. The attractive stranger at the airport bar hears one version, the parole officer another, and the P.T.A. board gets something entirely different. Moreover, the tone, the lessons, even the facts in a life story can all shift in the changing light of a person’s mood, its major notes turning minor, its depths appearing shallow.

Yet in the past decade or so a handful of psychologists have argued that the quicksilver elements of personal narrative belong in any three-dimensional picture of personality. And a burst of new findings are now helping them make the case. Generous, civic-minded adults from diverse backgrounds tell life stories with very similar and telling features, studies find; so likewise do people who have overcome mental distress through psychotherapy.

Every American may be working on a screenplay, but we are also continually updating a treatment of our own life — and the way in which we visualize each scene not only shapes how we think about ourselves, but how we behave, new studies find. By better understanding how life stories are built, this work suggests, people may be able to alter their own narrative, in small ways and perhaps large ones.

“When we first started studying life stories, people thought it was just idle curiosity — stories, isn’t that cool?” said Dan P. McAdams, a professor of psychology at Northwestern and author of the 2006 book, “The Redemptive Self.” “Well, we find that these narratives guide behavior in every moment, and frame not only how we see the past but how we see ourselves in the future.”

Researchers have found that the human brain has a natural affinity for narrative construction. People tend to remember facts more accurately if they encounter them in a story rather than in a list, studies find; and they rate legal arguments as more convincing when built into narrative tales rather than on legal precedent.

YouTube routines notwithstanding, most people do not begin to see themselves in the midst of a tale with a beginning, middle and eventual end until they are teenagers. “Younger kids see themselves in terms of broad, stable traits: ‘I like baseball but not soccer,’ ” said Kate McLean, a psychologist at the University of Toronto in Mississauga. “This meaning-making capability — to talk about growth, to explain what something says about who I am — develops across adolescence.”

Psychologists know what life stories look like when they are fully hatched, at least for some Americans. Over the years, Dr. McAdams and others have interviewed hundreds of men and women, most in their 30s and older.

During a standard life-story interview, people describe phases of their lives as if they were outlining chapters, from the sandlot years through adolescence and middle age. They also describe several crucial scenes in detail, including high points (the graduation speech, complete with verbal drum roll); low points (the college nervous breakdown, complete with the list of witnesses); and turning points. The entire two-hour session is recorded and transcribed.

In analyzing the texts, the researchers found strong correlations between the content of people’s current lives and the stories they tell. Those with mood problems have many good memories, but these scenes are usually tainted by some dark detail. The pride of college graduation is spoiled when a friend makes a cutting remark. The wedding party was wonderful until the best man collapsed from drink. A note of disappointment seems to close each narrative phrase.

By contrast, so-called generative adults — those who score highly on tests measuring civic-mindedness, and who are likely to be energetic and involved — tend to see many of the events in their life in the reverse order, as linked by themes of redemption. They flunked sixth grade but met a wonderful counselor and made honor roll in seventh. They were laid low by divorce, only to meet a wonderful new partner. Often, too, they say they felt singled out from very early in life — protected, even as others nearby suffered.

In broad outline, the researchers report, such tales express distinctly American cultural narratives, of emancipation or atonement, of Horatio Alger advancement, of epiphany and second chances. Depending on the person, the story itself might be nuanced or simplistic, powerfully dramatic or cloyingly pious. But the point is that the narrative themes are, as much as any other trait, driving factors in people’s behavior, the researchers say.

“We find that when it comes to the big choices people make — should I marry this person? should I take this job? should I move across the country? — they draw on these stories implicitly, whether they know they are working from them or not,” Dr. McAdams said.

Any life story is by definition a retrospective reconstruction, at least in part an outgrowth of native temperament. Yet the research so far suggests that people’s life stories are neither rigid nor wildly variable, but rather change gradually over time, in close tandem with meaningful life events.

Jonathan Adler, a researcher at Northwestern, has found that people’s accounts of their experiences in psychotherapy provide clues about the nature of their recovery. In a recent study presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in January, Mr. Adler reported on 180 adults from the Chicago area who had recently completed a course of talk therapy. They sought treatment for things like depression, anxiety, marital problems and fear of flying, and spent months to years in therapy.

At some level, talk therapy has always been an exercise in replaying and reinterpreting each person’s unique life story. Yet Mr. Adler found that in fact those former patients who scored highest on measures of well-being — who had recovered, by standard measures — told very similar tales about their experiences.

They described their problem, whether depression or an eating disorder, as coming on suddenly, as if out of nowhere. They characterized their difficulty as if it were an outside enemy, often giving it a name (the black dog, the walk of shame). And eventually they conquered it.

“The story is one of victorious battle: ‘I ended therapy because I could overcome this on my own,’ ” Mr. Adler said. Those in the study who scored lower on measures of psychological well-being were more likely to see their moods and behavior problems as a part of their own character, rather than as a villain to be defeated. To them, therapy was part of a continuing adaptation, not a decisive battle.

The findings suggest that psychotherapy, when it is effective, gives people who are feeling helpless a sense of their own power, in effect altering their life story even as they work to disarm their own demons, Mr. Adler said.

Mental resilience relies in part on exactly this kind of autobiographical storytelling, moment to moment, when navigating life’s stings and sorrows. To better understand how stories are built in real time, researchers have recently studied how people recall vivid scenes from recent memory. They find that one important factor is the perspective people take when they revisit the scene — whether in the first person, or in the third person, as if they were watching themselves in a movie.

In a 2005 study reported in the journal Psychological Science, researchers at Columbia University measured how student participants reacted to a bad memory, whether an argument or failed exam, when it was recalled in the third person. They tested levels of conscious and unconscious hostility after the recollections, using both standard questionnaires and students’ essays. The investigators found that the third-person scenes were significantly less upsetting, compared with bad memories recalled in the first person.

“What our experiment showed is that this shift in perspective, having this distance from yourself, allows you to relive the experience and focus on why you’re feeling upset,” instead of being immersed in it, said Ethan Kross, the study’s lead author. The emotional content of the memory is still felt, he said, but its sting is blunted as the brain frames its meaning, as it builds the story.

Taken together, these findings suggest a kind of give and take between life stories and individual memories, between the larger screenplay and the individual scenes. The way people replay and recast memories, day by day, deepens and reshapes their larger life story. And as it evolves, that larger story in turn colors the interpretation of the scenes.

Nic Weststrate, 23, a student living in Toronto, said he was able to reinterpret many of his most painful memories with more compassion after having come out as a gay man. He was very hard on himself, for instance, when at age 20 he misjudged a relationship with a friend who turned out to be straight.

He now sees the end of that relationship as both a painful lesson and part of a larger narrative. “I really had no meaningful story for my life then,” he said, “and I think if I had been open about being gay I might not have put myself in that position, and he probably wouldn’t have either.”

After coming out, he said: “I saw that there were other possibilities. I would be presenting myself openly to a gay audience, and just having a coherent story about who I am made a big difference. It affects how you see the past, but it also really affects your future.”

Psychologists have shown just how interpretations of memories can alter future behavior. In an experiment published in 2005, researchers had college students who described themselves as socially awkward in high school recall one of their most embarrassing moments. Half of the students reimagined the humiliation in the first person, and the other half pictured it in the third person.

Two clear differences emerged. Those who replayed the scene in the third person rated themselves as having changed significantly since high school — much more so than the first-person group did. The third-person perspective allowed people to reflect on the meaning of their social miscues, the authors suggest, and thus to perceive more psychological growth.

And their behavior changed, too. After completing the psychological questionnaires, each study participant spent time in a waiting room with another student, someone the research subject thought was taking part in the study. In fact the person was working for the research team, and secretly recorded the conversation between the pair, if any. This double agent had no idea which study participants had just relived a high school horror, and which had viewed theirs as a movie scene.

The recordings showed that members of the third-person group were much more sociable than the others. “They were more likely to initiate a conversation, after having perceived themselves as more changed,” said Lisa Libby, the lead author and a psychologist at Ohio State University. She added, “We think that feeling you have changed frees you up to behave as if you have; you think, ‘Wow, I’ve really made some progress’ and it gives you some real momentum.”

Dr. Libby and others have found that projecting future actions in the third person may also affect what people later do, as well. In another study, students who pictured themselves voting for president in the 2004 election, from a third-person perspective, were more likely to actually go to the polls than those imagining themselves casting votes in the first person.

The implications of these results for self-improvement, whether sticking to a diet or finishing a degree or a novel, are still unknown. Likewise, experts say, it is unclear whether such scene-making is more functional for some people, and some memories, than for others. And no one yet knows how fundamental personality factors, like neuroticism or extraversion, shape the content of life stories or their component scenes.

But the new research is giving narrative psychologists something they did not have before: a coherent story to tell. Seeing oneself as acting in a movie or a play is not merely fantasy or indulgence; it is fundamental to how people work out who it is they are, and may become.

“The idea that whoever appeared onstage would play not me but a character was central to imagining how to make the narrative: I would need to see myself from outside,” the writer Joan Didion has said of “The Year of Magical Thinking,” her autobiographical play about mourning the death of her husband and her daughter. “I would need to locate the dissonance between the person I thought I was and the person other people saw.”




一只野猪走了过来,问:“兔子你在写什么?”答:“文 章。”问:“题目是什么?”








  于是在整个市场的人看来(包括看故事的你)烧饼的价格飞涨,不一会儿就涨到了每个烧饼60元。但只要甲和乙手上的烧饼数一样,那么谁都没有赚钱,谁也 没有亏钱,但是他们重估以后的资产“增值”了!甲乙拥有高出过去很多倍的“财富”,他们身价提高了很多,“市值”增加了很多。
  这个卖烧饼的故事非常简单,人人都觉得高价买烧饼的人是傻瓜,但我们再回首看看我们所在的证券市场的人们吧。这个市场的有些所谓的资产重估、资产注入 何尝不是这样?在ROE高企,资产有高溢价下的资产注入,和卖烧饼的原理其实一样,谁最少地占有资产,谁就是赚钱的人,谁就是获得高收益的人!



年纪轻轻的,我的记忆力就已经如此的差了,上周出去玩儿时,刚刚把手机交给同学,自己就开始忙着找手机,晕出一身冷汗,唉!!!(by the way, 下面的中文翻译来自,通不错的网站呵)
A good memory is one of the most powerful and valuable assets you can own. Recent studies have found that older adults who spent more time in leisure activities that required more mental effort had reduced chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. There are plenty of ways to fight forgetfulness and keep your brainpower going strong.

Just like you can’t expect to get a six-pack stomach by sitting on the couch all day, don’t expect your memory to stay at the top of its game without a proper workout. Your brain needs to pump mental iron consistently to boost up its memory muscle. Remember, it’s up to you to never forget that you are worth remembering.

Check out the top 10 ways to keep your brain waves active and your memory strong.

1. Brain food: Don’t let yourself run on empty. A balanced diet will help keep your mind running strong all day long. Make sure to include plenty of fruits and leafy green vegetables. They are loaded with essential antioxidants and nutrients to boost your brain power. Some of the best foods for thought include: blueberries, blackberries, fish and fish oils, eggs, spinach, strawberries and almonds.

2. Exercise: Get your body moving and your memory will soon follow. Exercise improves the heart’s blood flow. This, in turn, helps the brain function better and stay sharper. Studies have also found that cardiovascular exercises done over a long period of time help reduce the amount of brain tissue you lose as you age.

3. Brain Games: Unscramble your memory with Scrabble. Intellectually stimulating activities and games such as Scrabble, crossword puzzles and trivia games are great for boosting your memory. Have fun and challenge your brain with these fun memory games.

4. Pick Up a Book: The key to keeping your memory sharp is to continue to challenge it. Try to always have a book in hand. After you’re done reading a chapter or two, question and review the material you’ve read. Try to imagine what you’re reading. Discuss what you’ve read, and talk about it with friends or join a book club.

5. Take a Sip Down Memory Lane: Coffee is good for more than just getting you out of bed in the morning. Researches have found the stimulant affect of caffeine can help boost memory. Studies have also found that key enzymes found in green and black teas help improve memory functions.

6. Cultivate interest: We tend to remember the things that we enjoy. Find ways to make a boring subject fun by associating it to something you already know. If you have to remember a list, try to make a fun sentence out of the first letters of each item or try categorizing things into a group. You can also use your imagination and create a fun story behind a subject to help make it easier to remember.

Story continues below
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7. Catch some those Zzzz’s: Sleep plays a critical role in your physiological function and is vital for your intellectual development. Memory failure is a common occurrence for many sleep-deprived individuals. A study conducted at the University of Luebeck found that creativity and problem solving appear to be directly linked to adequate sleep.

8. Repeat After Me: When learning new information, the more you repeat it, the more likely you will be able to recall that information. Practice is the key to lasting memory. Practice is the key to lasting memory. Practice is the key to lasting memory.

9. Give It a Beat: Music not only helps trigger memories of past events, but also stimulates learning skills. Music has also been shown to help retain information and provide multiple modes of information retrieval.

10. Pick Your Own Brain and Share it with Others: Don’t keep your knowledge stored up. Teaching others is another great way to boost memory skills. You should also become your own teacher. Don’t be afraid of taking on new challenges. You might not be in school anymore but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t test yourself. After you learn something, it’s important to put the new information to use.


1. 吃有益于大脑的食品:尤其是绿色蔬菜和水果。

2. 锻炼身体:保持一个健康的、供血充足的身体,记忆力也会跟上的。

3. 玩智力游戏可以有效的刺激脑细胞:多玩玩棋类、字谜或是数字游戏都不错。

4. 多读书:经常拿起书本,阅读上一两章,然后试着回忆你阅读的内容,这也许是最有效的记忆训练方式。

5. 试着喝一些咖啡:不只能够提神,研究也表明咖啡因含有能够提高记忆力的成分,同样绿茶和红茶也有助于记忆力增长。

6. 培养自己的兴趣爱好:我们总是能记住我们所喜欢的东西。

7. 保持充足的睡眠: 睡眠在大脑的保养中扮演着极其重要的角色,记忆力衰退的最大原因就是缺乏足够的睡眠。

8. 多多重复:当学到新的信息时,多多的重复它。

9. 听听音乐:音乐不只能帮助唤起过去的回忆,还能刺激你的大脑活动。

10. 与别人分享你的知识:在分享的过程中你的记忆会得到进一步的巩固,何况分享带给你的乐趣可不只这些哟。


A Giant Takes On Physics’ Biggest Questions

A Giant Takes On Physics’ Biggest Questions


At Cern, the Large Hadron Collider could recreate conditions that last prevailed when the universe was less than a trillionth of a second old. Above is one of the collider's massive particle detectors, called the Compact Muon Solenoid.
Valerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times

300 FEET BELOW MEYRIN, Switzerland — The first thing that gets you is the noise.

Physics, after all, is supposed to be a cerebral pursuit. But this cavern almost measureless to the eye, stuffed as it is with an Eiffel Tower’s worth of metal, eight-story wheels of gold fan-shape boxes, thousands of miles of wire and fat ductlike coils, echoes with the shriek of power tools, the whine of pumps and cranes, beeps and clanks from wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers and the occasional falling bolt. It seems no place for the studious.

The physicists, wearing hardhats, kneepads and safety harnesses, are scrambling like Spiderman over this assembly, appropriately named Atlas, ducking under waterfalls of cables and tubes and crawling into hidden room-size cavities stuffed with electronics.

They are getting ready to see the universe born again.

Again and again and again — 30 million times a second, in fact.

Starting sometime next summer if all goes to plan, subatomic particles will begin shooting around a 17-mile underground ring stretching from the European Center for Nuclear Research, or Cern, near Geneva, into France and back again — luckily without having to submit to customs inspections.

Crashing together in the bowels of Atlas and similar contraptions spaced around the ring, the particles will produce tiny fireballs of primordial energy, recreating conditions that last prevailed when the universe was less than a trillionth of a second old.

Whatever forms of matter and whatever laws and forces held sway Back Then — relics not seen in this part of space since the universe cooled 14 billion years ago — will spring fleetingly to life, over and over again in all their possible variations, as if the universe were enacting its own version of the “Groundhog Day” movie. If all goes well, they will leave their footprints in mountains of hardware and computer memory.

“We are now on the endgame,” said Lyn Evans, of Cern, who has been in charge of the Large Hadron Collider, as it is called, since its inception. Call it the Hubble Telescope of Inner Space. Everything about the collider sounds, well, large — from the 14 trillion electron volts of energy with which it will smash together protons, its cast of thousands and the $8 billion it cost to build, to the 128 tons of liquid helium needed to cool the superconducting magnets that keep the particles whizzing around their track and the three million DVDs worth of data it will spew forth every year.

The day it turns on will be a moment of truth for Cern, which has spent 13 years building the collider, and for the world’s physicists, who have staked their credibility and their careers, not to mention all those billions of dollars, on the conviction that they are within touching distance of fundamental discoveries about the universe. If they fail to see something new, experts agree, it could be a long time, if ever, before giant particle accelerators are built on Earth again, ringing down the curtain on at least one aspect of the age-old quest to understand what the world is made of and how it works.

“If you see nothing,” said a Cern physicist, John Ellis, “in some sense then, we theorists have been talking rubbish for the last 35 years.”

Fabiola Gianotti, a Cern physicist and the deputy spokeswoman for the team that built the Atlas, said, “Something must happen.”

The accelerator, Dr. Gianotti explained, would take physics into a realm of energy and time where the current reigning theories simply do not apply, corresponding to an era when cosmologists think that the universe was still differentiating itself, evolving from a primordial blandness and endless potential into the forces and particles that constitute modern reality.

She listed possible discoveries like a mysterious particle called the Higgs that is thought to endow other particles with mass, new forms of matter that explain the mysterious dark matter waddling the cosmos and even new dimensions of spacetime.

“For me,” Dr. Gianotti said, “it would be a dream if, finally, in a couple of years in a laboratory we are going to produce the particle responsible for 25 percent of the universe.”

Halfway around the ring stood her rival of sorts, Jim Virdee from Imperial College London, wearing a hardhat at the bottom of another huge cavern. Dr. Virdee is the spokesman, which is physics-speak for leader, of another team, some 2,500 strong, with another giant detector, the poetically named Compact Muon Detector, which was looming over his shoulder like a giant cannon.

The prospect of discovery, Dr. Virdee said, is what sustained him and his colleagues over the 16 years it took to develop their machine. Without such detectors, he said, “this field which began with Newton just stops.”

“When we started, we did not know how to do this experiment and did not know if it would work,” he said. “Twenty-five hundred scientists can work together. Our judge is not God or governments, but nature. If we make a mistake, nature will not hesitate to punish us.”

Game of Cosmic Leapfrog

The advent of the Cern collider also cements a shift in the balance of physics power away from American dominance that began in 1993, when Congress canceled the Superconducting Supercollider, a monster machine under construction in Waxahachie, Tex. The supercollider, the most powerful ever envisioned, would have sped protons around a 54-mile racetrack before slamming them together with 40 trillion electron volts.

For decades before that, physicists in the United States and Europe had leapfrogged one another with bigger, more expensive and, inevitably, fewer of these machines, which get their magic from Einstein’s equation of mass and energy. The more energy that these machines can pack into their little fireballs, the farther back in time they can go, closer and closer to the Big Bang, the smaller and smaller things they can see.Recalling those times, Dr. Evans said: “There was a nice equilibrium across the Atlantic. People used to come and go.”

Now, Dr. Evans said, “The center of gravity has moved to Cern.”

The most powerful accelerator now operating is the trillion-electron volt Tevatron, colliding protons and their antimatter opposites, antiprotons, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill. But it is scheduled to shut down by 2010,

Cern was born amid vineyards and farmland in the countryside outside Geneva in 1954 out of the rubble of postwar Europe. It had a twofold mission of rebuilding European science and of having European countries work together.

Today, it has 20 countries as members. Yearly contributions are determined according to members’ domestic economies, and a result is a stable annual budget of about a billion Swiss francs. The vineyards and cows are still there, but so are strip malls and shopping centers.

It was here that the World Wide Web was born in the early 1990s, but the director-general of Cern, Robert Aymar, joked that the lab’s greatest fame was as a locus of conspiracy in the novel “Angels and Demons,” by the author of “The DaVinci Code,” Dan Brown. The lab came into its own scientifically in the early ’80s, when Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer won the Nobel Prize by colliding protons and antiprotons there to produce the particles known as the W and Z bosons, which are responsible for the so-called weak nuclear force that causes some radioactive decays.

Bosons are bits of energy, or quanta, that, according to the weird house rules of the subatomic world, transmit forces as they are tossed back and forth in a sort of game of catch between matter particles. The W’s and Z’s are closely related to photons, which transmit electromagnetic forces, or light.

The lab followed up that triumph by building a 17-mile-long ring, the Large Electron-Positron collider, or Lep, to manufacture W and Z particles for further study. Meanwhile, the United States abandoned plans for an accelerator named Isabelle to leapfrog to the giant supercollider in Texas.

Even before that supercollider was canceled, in 1993, however, Cern physicists had been mulling building their own giant proton collider in the Lep tunnel.

In 1994, after the supercollider collapse gave its own collider a clear field, the Cern governing council gave its approval. The United States eventually agreed to chip in $531 million for the project. Cernalso arranged to borrow about $400 million from the European Investment Bank. Even so, there was a crisis in 2001 when the project was found to be 18 percent over budget, necessitating cutting other programs at the lab. The collider’s name comes from the word hadron, which denotes subatomic particles like protons and neutrons that feel the “strong” nuclear force that binds atomic nuclei.

Whether the Europeans would have gone ahead if the United States had still been in the game depends on whom you ask. Dr. Aymar, who was not there in the ’90s, said there was no guarantee then that the United States would succeed even if it did proceed.

“Certainly in Europe the situation of Cern is such that we appreciate competition,” he said. “But we assume we are the leader and we have all intention to remain the leader. And we’ll do everything which is needed to remain the leader.”

To match the American machine, however, the Europeans, with a much smaller tunnel — 17 miles instead of 54 —had to adopt a riskier design, in particular by doubling the strength of their magnets.

“In this business, society is prepared to support particle physics at a certain level,” Dr. Evans saids. “If you want society to accept this work which is not cheap, you have to be really innovative.”

Cocktail Party Physics

The payoff for this investment, physicists say, could be a new understanding of one of the most fundamental of aspects of reality, namely the nature of mass.

This is where the shadowy particle known as the Higgs boson, a k a the God particle, comes in.

In the Standard Model, a suite of equations describing all the forces but gravity, which has held sway as the law of the cosmos for the last 35 years, elementary particles are born in the Big Bang without mass, sort of like Adam and Eve being born without sin.

Some of them (the particles, that is) acquire their heft, so the story goes, by wading through a sort of molasses that pervades all of space. The Higgs process, named after Peter Higgs, a Scottish physicist who first showed how this could work in 1964, has been compared to a cocktail party where particles gather their masses by interaction. The more they interact, the more mass they gain.

The Higgs idea is crucial to a theory that electromagnetism and the weak force are separate manifestations of a single so-called electroweak force. It shows how the massless bits of light called photons could be long-lost brothers to the heavy W and Z bosons, which would gain large masses from such cocktail party interactions as the universe cooled.

The confirmation of the theory by the Nobel-winning work at Cern 20 years ago ignited hopes among physicists that they could eventually unite the rest of the forces of nature.

Moreover, Higgs-like fields have been proposed as the source of an enormous burst of expansion, known as inflation, early in the universe, and, possibly, as the secret of the dark energy that now seems to be speeding up the expansion of the universe. So it is important to know whether the theory works and, if not, to find out what does endow the universe with mass.

But nobody has ever seen a Higgs boson, the particle that personifies this molasses. It should be producible in particle accelerators, but nature has given confusing clues about where to look for it. Measurements of other exotic particles suggest that the Higgs’s mass should be around 90 billion electron volts, the unit of choice in particle physics. But other results, from the Lep collider here before it shut down in 2000, indicate that the Higgs must weigh more than 114 billion electron volts. By comparison, an electron is half a million electron volts, and a proton is about 2,000 times heavier.

“We’ve nearly ruled out the Standard Model, if you want to say it that way,” said John Conway, a Fermilab physicist. The new collider was specifically designed to hunt for the Higgs particle, which is key both to the Standard Model and to any greater theory that would supersede it.

Theorists say the Higgs or something like it has to show up simply because the Standard Model breaks down and goes kerflooey at energies exceeding one trillion electron volts. If you try to predict what happens when two particles collide, it gives nonsense, explained Dr. Ellis of Cern, a senior theorist with the long white hair and a bushy beard to prove it.

“There is either a violation of probability or some new physics,” Dr. Ellis said.

Nima Arkani-Hamed of Harvard said he would bet a year’s salary on the Higgs.

“If the Higgs or something like it doesn’t exist,” Dr. Arkani-Hamed said, “then some very basic things like quantum mechanics are wrong.”

A result, Dr. Gianotti said, is “either we find the Higgs boson, or some stranger phenomenon must happen.”


If the Cern experimenters find the Higgs, Nobel Prizes will flow like water. But just finding the elusive particle will not be enough to satisfy the theorists, who profess to be haunted by a much deeper problem, namely why the putative particle is not millions of times heavier than it appears to be.

When they try to calculate the mass of the Higgs particle using the Standard Model and quantum mechanics, they get what Dr. Ellis called “a very infinite answer.”

Rather than a trillion electron volts or so, quantum effects push the mass all the way up to 10 quadrillion trillion electron volts, known as the Planck energy, where gravity and the other particle forces are equal.

The culprit is quantum weirdness, one principle of which is that anything that is not forbidden will happen. That means the Higgs calculation must include the effects of its interactions with all other known particles, including so-called virtual particles that can wink in and out of existence, which shift its mass off the scale.

As a result, if the Standard Model is valid for all energies, said Joe Lykken, a Fermilab theorist, “then you are in deep doodoo trying to explain why the Higgs mass isn’t a quadrillion times bigger than it needs to be.”

Another way to put it is to ask why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces — the theory wants them all to be equal.

Theorists can rig their calculations to have the numbers come out right, but it feels like cheating. “What we have to do to equations is crazy,” Dr. Arkani-Hamed said.

One solution that has been proposed is a new principle of nature called supersymmetry that, if true, would be a bonanza for the Cern collider.

It posits a relation between the particles of matter like electrons and quarks and particles that transmit forces like photons and the W boson. For each particle in one category, there is an as-yet-undiscovered superpartner in the other category.

“Supersymmetry doubles the world,” Dr. Arkani-Hamed said.

These superpartners cancel out all the quantum effects that make the Higgs mass skyrocket. “Supersymmetry is the only known way to manage this,” Dr. Lykken said.

Because Higgs bosons are expected to be produced very rarely, it could take at least a year or more for physicists to confirm their discovery at the collider. But some supersymmetric particles, if they exist, should be produced abundantly and could thus pop out of the data much sooner. “Suppose a gluino exists at 300 billion electron volts,” Dr. Arkani-Hamed said, referring to a putative superpartner. “We could know the first day if they exist.”

For several years, supersymmetry has been a sort of best bet to be the next step beyond the Standard Model, which is undefeated in experiments but has enormous gaps. The Standard Model does not include gravity or explain why, for example, the universe is matter instead of antimatter or even why particles have the masses they do.

In the end, Michelangelo Mangano, a theorist at Cern, said, “The standard model prediction can’t be the end of the story.”

Supersymmetry also fixes a glitch in the age-old dream of explaining all the forces of nature as manifestations of one primordial force. It predicts that at a high enough energy, all the forces — electromagnetic, strong and weak — have identical strengths.

“If supersymmetry is right, unification works,” Dr. Ellis said.

But there is no direct evidence for any of the thousands of versions of supersymmetry that have been proposed. Indeed, many theorists are troubled that its effects have not already shown up in precision measurements at accelerators.

“It doesn’t smell good,” Dr. Arkani-Hamed said. Physicists say the best indirect evidence for supersymmetry comes from the skies, where the galaxies have been found to be swaddled by clouds of invisible dark matter, presumably unknown particles left over from the Big Bang. “Dark matter is a very physical argument.” Dr. Ellis said. “If you take astrophysics seriously, there has to be some unseen stuff out there.”

On the menu of discoveries, there is always None of the Above. As Dr. Gianotti put it: “Nature has chosen another solution. This will be great.”

There are indeed other potential solutions that go by the name of Technicolor or the Little Higgs. But what if the collider sees nothing?

That, Dr. Ellis said, would be interesting for the theorists, who would have to retool and try to think even deeper thoughts about quantum mechanics and relativity, but bad for the experimentalists. Without any results, they would be unlikely to obtain financing for the next big machine planned, the $7 billion International Linear Collider.

A worse nightmare, several theorists said, would be seeing just the Higgs, but nothing else. That would leave them where they are, stuck in the Standard Model, with no answer to their embarrassing fine-tuning problem, no dark matter and no clue to a better theory.

To add to the confusion, according to the Standard Model, the Higgs can have only a limited range of masses without severe damage to the universe. If it is too light, the universe will decay. If it is too heavy, the universe would have blown up already. According to Dr. Ellis, there is a magic value between 160 billion and 180 billion electron volts that would ensure a stable universe and require no new physics at all.

But that would leave theorists with nothing more to do and a world in which basic questions would remain forever unanswered.

Dr. Ellis said, “ I can’t believe God would push the button on a theory like that.”

But, he conceded, “For the I.L.C., a boring Higgs is better than nothing.”

Sunken Cathedrals

There was more than birds singing and trees blooming outside the main Cern cafeteria in March to suggest that springtime for physics was approaching.

Some 300 feet beneath the warming grass, the magnets that are the guts of the collider, thick as tree trunks, long as boxcars, weighing in at 35 tons apiece, were strung together like an endless train stretching away into the dim lamplight and around a gentle curve.

A technician on his way to a far sector of the collider ring bicycled past.

“When you fold in the technology combined with the scale,” said Peter Limon, a Fermilab physicist on duty here, “I don’t think anything on Earth or in space that we know about beats it.”

Running through the core of this train, surrounded by magnets and cold, were two vacuum pipes, one for protons going clockwise, the other counterclockwise. Traveling in tight bunches along the twin beams, the protons will cross each other at four points around the ring, 30 million times a second. During each of these violent crossings, physicists expect that about 20 protons, or the parts thereof — quarks or gluons — will actually collide and spit fire. It is in vast caverns at those intersection points that the knee-padded and hardhatted physicists are assembling their detector, or “sunken cathedrals” in the words of a Cern theorist, Alvaro de Rujula, to capture the holy fire.Two of the detectors are specialized. One, called Alice and led by Jurgen Schukraft of Cern, is designed to study a sort of primordial fluid, called a quark-gluon plasma, that is created when the collider smashes together lead nuclei.

The other, LHCb, is led by Tatsuya Nakada of Cern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. It is designed to hunt for subtle differences in matter and antimatter that could help explain how the universe, which was presumably born with equal amounts of both, came to be dominated by matter.

The other two, the aforementioned Atlas and Compact Muon Solenoid, or C.M.S. for short, are the designated rival workhorses of the collider, designed expressly to capture and measure every last spray of particle and spark of energy from the proton collisions.

The rivals represent complementary strategies for hunting the Higgs particle, which is expected to disintegrate into a spray of lesser particles. Exactly which particles depends on how massive the Higgs really is.

One telltale signature of the Higgs and other subatomic cataclysms is a negatively charged particle known as a muon, a sort of heavy electron that comes flying out at nearly the speed of light. Physicists measure muon momentum by seeing how much their paths bend in a magnetic field.

It is the need to have magnets strong enough and large enough to produce measurable bending, physicists say, that determines the gigantic size of the detectors.

The Compact Muon Solenoid, built by Dr. Virdee’s group, weighs 12,000 tons, the heaviest instrument ever made. It takes its name from a massive superconducting electromagnet that produces a powerful field running along the path of the protons.

Conversely, the magnetic field on Atlas wraps like tape around the proton beam. The Atlas collaboration has been led from its start by Peter Jenni of Cern. At150 feet long and 80 feet high, Atlas is bigger than its rival, but it is much lighter, about 7,000 pounds, about as much as the Eiffel Tower. The physicists like to joke that if you threw it in the ocean in a plastic bag it would float.

The two detectors have much in common, including “onion layers” of instruments to measure different particles and the ability to cope with harsh radiation and vast amounts of data. Dr. Virdee compared the central C.M.S. detector, made of strips of silicon that record the passage of charged particles, to a 60-megapixel digital camera taking 40 million pictures a second. “We have to time everything to the nanosecond,” he said

To manage this onslaught the teams’ computers have to perform triage, and winnow those events to a couple hundred per second. That is dangerous, Dr. Gianotti said, “because we are looking for something rare.” The Higgs occurs once in every trillion events, she said.

Contending Armies

The competition between Atlas and the C.M.S. is in keeping with a long tradition of having rival teams and rival detectors at big experiments to keep each other honest and to cover all the bets. As Dr. Mangano put it, “If you screw it up, others are here to crucify you.”

At the Fermilab Tevatron, the teams, several hundred strong, are called CDF and D0. In the glory years 20 years ago at Cern, they were called UA1 and UA2. Over the years, as the machines have grown, so have the groups that built them, from teams to armies, 1,800 people from 34 countries for Atlas and 2,520 from 37 countries for the C.M.S. The other two experiments — Alice with 1000 scientists, and LHCb with 663 — are only slightly smaller.

Robert Cousins of U.C.L.A. and C.M.S. joked that he was old enough so that after 25 years in the business “half my friends are on Atlas, the others on C.M.S.” Dr. Jenni said all 1,800 Atlas scientists would have their names on the first papers out of the collider, adding: “The people who work in the pit make as important a physics contribution as those who end up in front of the computers. This is a big step in energy. It’s new territory, and that’s in the end why everyone is excited.”

At the end of the day, Dr. Mangano said, unless there is a major problem both machines will perform. “It will come down to sociology,” he said. “How quickly can they analyze the date? How do you manipulate and analyze the data? The process of understanding is long.”

There could be new phenomena, he added, new particles that theorists have not thought of.

Dr. Mangano pointed out that it had been a long time since high-energy physicists had made a fundamental discovery. And back then, when Dr. Rubbia was doing his Nobel work, there were well-defined theories of what would be found. Now, everything will be new.

“There are many students who have never seen data,” Dr. Mangano said. “I don’t know how much longer we can keep going like that.”

What comes out of the Large Hadron Collider, he said, “will determine the future of the field.”

Dr. Arkani-Hamed said the tension was keeping him awake at night. “Nobody knows how this is going to go,” he said. “That’s what makes it so cool. The experiment itself is so spectacular.”

Sipping an espresso in his office, Dr. Mangano refused to consider the possibility of failure. “It’s like saying suppose you drive into a tree on the way home,” he said. “Let’s hope we get home safely and we see something.”